Thursday, February 12, 2009

Last Post

This is going to be my last post on Shades of Purple.  It's not my last blog post ever, and I have created a new blog.  I hope that you follow me over there, and keep reading.  I have decided to create a new blog for a few reasons.  I started my blog for "crafts" and slowly it started to spread off into many different things.  I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to take it and I just stopped posting for a while.  

Now that I've gotten everything sorted out, am so ready to get started on my new blog.  PLEASE go check it out.

Butterflies and Lullabies

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Job Woes

I have been job hunting for well over 3 months now.  Ugh.  What a pain.  It makes me thankful for our new president more than ever, the economy, especially in these little towns like where I live, is hard on the job market.  I've been searching a 55 mile radius for a job, and I just can't find one.

Quitting school after my freshman year of college was a dumb move.  I wouldn't take it back, it brought me to the place I am now.  An amazing husband, a beautiful daughter and an amazing son.  All those things are wonderful and of course, wouldn't have happened had I not made the decisions I did.  But now, grown up, I wish I'd stuck with it.  I look at all these jobs that I could have, if I had a degree.  I want to start going back to school now more than ever.  

I've sent in application after application, forwarded one resume after another and been on countless interviews... Which might I add, is a pain when you have to find a babysitter in the middle of the day on short notice!  I am trying to stay positive and think that when the right job comes along, I will know, and that is why I haven't gotten anything up until now.  I surely hope so.

My hubby has been home for a week, and I've neglected all kinds of stuff like friends, and blogs, and all that.  I feel terrible for not catching up with them all for the past week.  It's just been nice to have him here and spend time with him.  See him, get to talk to him whenever I want... I always miss him when he's gone.

Monday, February 9, 2009

If I Only Had A....

Interchangeable Harmony Wood Circular Knitting Needle Set..... [Singing to the Wizard Of Oz's "If I Only Had A Brain"]

I want this!  Not only is it pretty and have Shades of Purple in it, but it's wood, which I love, and it would be so much easier to keep track of all my stuff!  I just thought I would share that tidbit of information.

After about a week long break, I am finally back.  There's been alot going on in the house, and with the family.  I guess I've been feeling a bit blue lately.  Not very talkative.  But things are getting a bit better, slowly but surely, and I am feeling better in the process.

I am writing this blog as my husband forces me to watch House Hunters on HGTV.  I love my husband, don't get me wrong, but I don't really care for this show.  "Oh I don't know which of these many houses to choose from, my wallet is so full I guess I should just pick one..." Bite me!!!!  Maybe it's not that bad, but still I don't like it so I'm blogging instead.  I guess it's payback for all the episodes of "The Golden Girls" I've made him watch.  In my opinion he secretly enjoys it.  But sshhh.  Don't tell him I said that.

I have probably 3 UFO's on either hooks or needles sitting in my basket.  I have one half of a pair of fingerless gloves finished for myself.  I keep looking at the one lone glove and thinking how I should do the other one, I just can't seem to make the time.  Then I'm working on an afghan for the living room.  I am really excited about that because ever since I picked up knitting about 4 years ago, that has been a project I wanted to start but just never did.  Now that I've finished a blanket I know I can do it, and I'm confident enough to start one.  I can't wait to get started next on my scrapbooking.  I haven't done anything with that in probably a year.  I have so many pictures and just don't know what to do with any of them.  A friend of mine has suggested DigiScrapping and I am definately going to look into that.  Anyone have any suggestions? 

Hope you're having a fantastic start to your week!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Once Again..

I need a blog break.  I have sat down to write for a week.  I can't seem to find anything to write about.  I don't really feel like writing about my personal things, which is all I can seem to think about.  My personal stuff is causing me a big writer's block.  

I have a blanket I'm crocheting, I have funny stories to tell, exciting stories to tell....  I just don't feel like it right now.

I hope you don't stop reading.  I know there's nothing to really read right now but there will be soon.  Just have to get some things straight around here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm tired and have no witty title for this blog.  I wish I did, it almost feels wrong not haivng something interesting to say in the title.  Oh well....

I need this picture blown up to posterboard size and then mounted on one wall of every room in my home.  Can I do that?  Probably won't get my security deposit back....

Sometimes life is just STRESS.  And I have been having one of those weeks.  The past week or so has been one obstacle after another.  Nothing too major that my family can't handle.  But all the while frustrating and leaving me wanting to "BANG HEAD HERE" at the end of the day.  

It makes me think of that short from Sesame Street I used to watch as a kid.  It was a cartoon cat wanting to get fed, and her owner is just talking on the phone, she keeps trying to get the can open herself to no avail and then finally when it's opened, she runs over there, and SMACK.  Her face lands in it, too tired to eat.  That's me.

Craziest thing is, I'm complaining about being stressed out, and I am looking for a job.  Weird combination huh.  I love staying at home with my children but I'm ready to go.  I've been at home with my children for almost 7 years now.  And I'm 26 years old.  I want out of the house, I want to be with other adults, and I want to do something that's for me.  My kids are older now, and my daughter isn't even here during the day, and next year at this time the same will be for my little man.  Kids always need their parents.  But they don't need me now like they did as babies.  I almost think they'd enjoy getting out of the house and playing every day!

I have a job interview on Thursday.  I'm VERY nervous.  I've been trying to get a certain type job now for a few months, and I've had a hard time.  I don't have but about a year's worth experience in this field and I know there's alot of competition with people that are much more qualified.  I finally have a chance and I'm so nervous I can't stand it!  

Send me good luck vibes if you can.  I need 'em!

And if you made it to the bottom of this rambling, incoherent, boring post... Wow, you are my new best friend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Tummy Tickle

"I am NOT tired!  I do NOT wanna go bed Mommy! No No No!  You mean!"  

Imagine how mean I became when the camera was pulled out and started flashing in his oh-so-happy-cause-he-most-definately-is-not-tired face.  I never really thought that looking at a picture of someone soooooooo mad, could make me chuckle.  

I'm showing this to his girlfriends when he's 30.  And yeah I said 30, he won't be dating anyone before then.

Just thought I'd send a chuckle your way, I hope you got at least a smile out of it!  Happy Thursday and thank goodness tomorrow starts the weekend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Crocheting and Super Cute Babies!!

So I posted already that I was learning how to crochet, and as much as I love knitting, I have a newfound passion for crocheting.  It is soooo much faster than knitting.  I started this baby blanket that I found via Ravelry two weeks ago, and had it finished in one week!  I was so thrilled, and needless to say I gave this blanket to baby Eliza since the ominous yellow blanket is still light years away from being finished.  Both my best friend and I are partial to the "alternative" type look so I decided instead of doing the normal pale colors, to make the blanket hot pink with a black border.  It looked great, and she loved it, which is even better!

Over the long weekend I got to meet Miss Eliza and she is the most precious little thing I've ever seen!  She was adorable, and of course she is, given who her Mommy and Daddy are!  Mom and baby are doing great, and I was sad to have to go.  But it was a wonderful weekend, and I couldn't be more happy to have gotten the opportunity to go.  Here's a picture of the finished blanket and then another with Miss Eliza...

That's about it for now.  I have tons of pictures of other stuff and more blogs to write so instead of cramming it all into this one blog I'll space it out so I look like I have lots of interesting things to say.... HAHA.