Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Job Woes

I have been job hunting for well over 3 months now.  Ugh.  What a pain.  It makes me thankful for our new president more than ever, the economy, especially in these little towns like where I live, is hard on the job market.  I've been searching a 55 mile radius for a job, and I just can't find one.

Quitting school after my freshman year of college was a dumb move.  I wouldn't take it back, it brought me to the place I am now.  An amazing husband, a beautiful daughter and an amazing son.  All those things are wonderful and of course, wouldn't have happened had I not made the decisions I did.  But now, grown up, I wish I'd stuck with it.  I look at all these jobs that I could have, if I had a degree.  I want to start going back to school now more than ever.  

I've sent in application after application, forwarded one resume after another and been on countless interviews... Which might I add, is a pain when you have to find a babysitter in the middle of the day on short notice!  I am trying to stay positive and think that when the right job comes along, I will know, and that is why I haven't gotten anything up until now.  I surely hope so.

My hubby has been home for a week, and I've neglected all kinds of stuff like friends, and blogs, and all that.  I feel terrible for not catching up with them all for the past week.  It's just been nice to have him here and spend time with him.  See him, get to talk to him whenever I want... I always miss him when he's gone.