Friday, September 12, 2008

Cupcakes. Version 2.0 ...

My lovely daughter's birthday was this past Tuesday. The big 6. Since school started down here almost a month prior, poor thing had to go to school on her birthday. This is something I don't know much about, being a summer baby myself, I always had the luxury of spending my birthday at home, during summer vacation. So, I decided that I was going to make cupcakes for her class, and bring them in. Now... don't these bad boys look lovely?! Chocolate, her favorite, and pink and purple, her two favorite colors. (Even though my husband claims this picture makes them look gray and not purple, but he always has to have something to say, lol)

Anyway, I take her to class and ask the teacher if it's okay that we bring in cupcakes. I was in such a rush the day before that I forgot to ask her. Even though I was up til 1am the night before making them anyway, I figured if it wasn't okay I'd still be able to use them here at home. So I asked her and she said it was fine, and I go get them from the car. She looks at them "Oh they look great" she says, followed by an "Oh, no....." Uh oh. "[Insert Child's Name Here] is allergic to chocolate." AY YI YI..... I imagine Homer Simpson in my head, saying "D'OH!" and I tell her that I'm going to the store, and I'll get more and make them. She says that its not necessary and we can find something for the other student, but I told her nope, I am going to get something everyone can eat. It's only fair, and it's my fault for not asking first.

So to make an insanely long story shorter, I had to run to the store, get more mix, come home and start to bake, realizing I'm out of paper liners. Back to the store I go, I come home and finish, practically icing them straight out of the oven, and off to school I go. Good news? They loved them. The kids loved my daughter for bringing cupcakes, and I got a ton of hugs and smiles.

What a great way to celebrate her birthday!


Nan said...

Is that the "end" of the story? ;) hee hee.. shhh, I won't tell!

Tiffany said...

Aw, what a great mom you are!
I know this guy with three kids, and on each kids birthday he keeps them ALL home from school and they go do somthing ultra fun! Can you imagine? I wish my Mom would have done that when I was a kid... She didn't even make cupcakes! lol
Happy Birthday to your Baby, the treats look yummy...