Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dollar Store Touches

You know, I started this blog because I was inspired by my mother, and a close friend of mine. They are so crafty and everything they post up on their blogs is beautiful. I have never really been the "crafty" sort until recently, I'd say the past 3 years or so, it all started right around the time I was pregnant with my youngest. I picked up scrapbooking first, looking for something to occupy my time during the long winters in Alaska, where I was living at the time. Alaska is also where I met my friend hunnybunny and I credit her for alot of my inspiration. She helped me get started with learning how to knit. Even though I grew up around knitting, quilting, and crocheting with my mother, I never really picked it up, I was always too impatient to learn anything. Shows how much you can change as you get older! Anyway, I am glad to have started this blog but sometimes I wonder, when the wedding is over, what am I going to post about? I don't really know much about knitting other than how to knit and purl. Yeah. My repitoir consists of hats, scarves, and washclothes. Ha. I guess this is the time to learn something new, right?!

I wanted to show off some of the dollar store finds I was able to snag. I found these butterfly wings for only $1 a piece, and then the ring bearer pillow was just $2.50. How great! Since the theme is butterflies my flower girls will be wearing these with their dress, and I think it's going to look adorable. As for the ring bearer, I plan on taking up the ribbon on the pillow and adding some more of my own that match the colors, and maybe even pin a butterfly or two onto the top with the rings.

The other things I just can't wait to show off are the gorgeous lavender rose petals I found on ebay. They were super cheap, and if you look, they are in the shape of... you guessed it... butterflies!

I think these are gonna look so cute. Partly uses as flower girl petals, but I'm also going to use them as decorations on the tables for the reception. It's another day closer, and I am getting so excited!


Nan said...

I'm getting more excited too! I love the butterfly rose petals, but the picture doesn't do them justice since I saw them in person!

I always blamed the lack of interest in crafting when you were younger due to the fact that I couldn't teach you well, and part of it was because I thought it was a right handed person like me, teaching a left handed person like you. You don't think it makes much difference most of the time, but in this case of teaching you to knit or crochet, I found out it did make a very big difference!

Mom IsAmagpie said...

Woo Hoo! Wings for the girls I'm SO excited! They are going to be supa dupa cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, just stopping by after your mom blogged about you.
Congrats on your impending marriage!! Those are some great finds and your butterfly theme is really coming together. This must be sooo exciting for you! :-)

The Tattered Rose said...

Welcome to blogland! I read your Mom's blog and I am always so taken with her spin on life and crafting. Your wedding plans sound great! I get lots and lots of my supplies at the Dollar Store, too. I regularly make crowns, tiaras, and jewelry that start with parts I buy there cheaper than I could get them from jewelry supply. Nice to meet you!

JUST A MOM said...

WELL WELCOME,,,,, I come here from your mom's blog I met her in blogland and think of her as my friend. I am sure you will find many things to blog about. I think we just take it one day at a time and remember you blog for YOU. I love your butterfly theme it is going to be so cute.... keep bloging

Tiffany said...

Welcome to the blogging world!
Love what you've come up with for your wedding so far, best of luck with everything and congratulations!
P.S. came here by way of your Mom's blog, which I don't remember how I got to in the first place exactly, but that's the way it goes here sometimes I guess LOL

Kathy said...


Calise said...

Congratulations! I got married in January and it was super hectic, but also lots of fun! It's cool you're doing so much crafting for it. I wish I could have done more for mine but I just didn't have the time then. :( It still turned out beautiful. Just enjoy what IS the way you want it, not what isn't and it will be great!

APO (Bem-Trapilho) said...

the butterflyes are amazing!!! loved it! :)
big hugg from Portugal! :)))