Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Woes of a Busty Woman and her Wedding Dress

So. Here is the dress. THE dress. I saw it, and fell in love. Typical wedding dress story I'm sure. Now... I live in the Richmond area. But when I use the term "area" I mean about an hour outside of Richmond, through back roads and no signal on my cell phone. I don't really live in the middle of nowhere, but the area between the two places, really is nothing but alot of farmland. Anyway, I digress. Being that I live the distance I do, the nearest bridal store is an hour away. So, with gas prices the crazy way they are now we decided it'd be cheaper to order online. I went through a few places and settled on David's Bridal. I love the dress. I do not however, love the designers of wedding dresses. It is your special day, and I am not sure whose great idea it was to make us women order a size, or two, or even three above what we normally wear to find the right sized dress. Why must you torture us? Especially for someone like me, who has lost about 70lbs in the past year, it's even MORE upsetting to feel like you've not really made that much progress at all. Anyway, I'm getting off topic again. Here's my dilemma. I ordered a dress 2 sizes bigger than my usual. And when you zip, it goes beautifully, if not a big too big, up to my back where my bra sits. And then.... NADA. It won't go up anymore. How frustrating that no matter how much weight I lose the knockers just won't go away! Ugh. And if I were to order a bigger dress to accomodate the "ladies" then the dress would be just too big everywhere else! What a pain. Thankfully though, my mom is going to help me with this dilemma. I think we are going to have to take the seams apart under the arm on the sides of the dress and sew some extra fabric to just make it bigger through the bust. Sorry if my terminology isn't that great, sewing, alterations, etc. are not things I know ANYthing about. I'm sure there is a more technical term for what she's going to do, I just don't know it.

Here is a close up of the dress. See that beautiful beading? Yep. It's probably going to have to be cut right open to fix the dress. Mom and I were discussing an option of making a sash that starts and the seam and goes around my back. Therefore the beading on the front is still seen and then the rest is covered where the alteration was made. I think that would work. I hope that it works! I know my mother isn't very thrilled about doing all this, dress alteration just isn't something she's done much of but then again, she always does such a great job with everything that I'm quite sure it's going to be fine. I have alot of faith in her ability to help me get this fixed. She's been a big help with everything.

All complaining aside, this is a beautiful dress and I can't wait to be wearing it on my special day. I should probably post more of things I've actually done, but, It's 100+ degrees here in the south today and I am too hot, and too grumpy to get anything else out. I can't wait for fall already!


Kathy said...


JUST A MOM said...

oh that is beautiful but beign a boobless chick myslef I can not read this post. I did scan it and love the dress,,,

APO (Bem-Trapilho) said...

the dress is beautiful and I love the name of your blog! :)

Calise said...

I have the same problem! Grr. Well it's so beautiful! I hope it'll fit!