Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So the suspense of finding out who is picked for the "Don't You Hate It When" contest I entered is killing me! Okay so it's not literally "killing" me but I can't wait to see who is picked as the finalists! I know, in all actuality my lame story SUCKED the big one in comparison to a bunch of the others, but it was still fun to participate. Annnnnd, it was of course, hilarious to read some of the other entries! So here I am, feverishly checking BlokThoughts to find out who the two lucky entries are, hoping it's me (even though I know it won't be) and just generally being a complete dweeb by doing so.

My blogging capabilities are severely limited now because I have no camera. To be honest with you I think a blog is no fun without a picture or two of what you're talking about. And I have no pictures! I don't even have old ones because of course my computer bit the bullet over the weekend and I had to go out and get a new one. Blah. I can't wait for hubby to get home so I can steal the camera away from him! Until then those of you who read my blog are stuck with my lame stories and oh-so-not-personal pictures that I find online. But I hope you keep reading even though I stink.

If you haven't checked out the contest, go do so! And if I'm picked vote for me! And if I'm not picked, vote for someone anyway!

Have a happy hump day!

1 comment:

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I liked your wasn't LAMEO--there were so MANY good ones. but thanks so much for sticking it through and always contributing...

You'll always be known to me as the girl that wiped the cupcake off and fed it to the children! LOL!

Your Mom told me the monitor story and I was laughing so hard...she was creative showing her purse and my blog site though...gotta give her props! :)