Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa the Bus Driver

This morning when taking babygirl to school, we were waiting at the stoplight and the area bus system came through. I about died when I saw through the doors a man dressed like Santa driving the bus. OMG how funny it was! I laughed out loud completely and then had to listen to BabyGirl and MonsterMan yelling at the top of their lungs about "There's Santa! Did you see Santa? I saw Santa!"

I almost want to take a trip on the bus tomorrow just so they can see Santa! Gotta love living in Small Southern Town USA!

In other news, I had two wonderful experiences that I am going to briefly share and then save for entries into the "Don't You Hate It When" contest again for when it comes around!

So my mom made that totally sweet purse for the contest, and I wanted it something awful. I'm talking to my mom on the phone, telling her about my lameo story compared to everyone's. Then I (because I just have so much class) ask her this: "Did you see that pic of your purse on BlokThoughts? I love her blog, but dag Mom, she needs a new monitor!" Mom starts laughing uncontrollably and then informs me that it's HER monitor. I looked closer and felt like such a loser! First of all I insulted another blogger's equipment, then I insulted the wrong person and did it TO them! What a loser. We both were laughing so hard though. Maybe I'll have to enter that into a "DYHIW" post?

Anyway... I keep working on this blanket like there's no tomorrow. That's coming along. Still am not sure if it'll be done in time or not. Keep your fingers crossed for me! My daughter asked me to make a blanket and a hat for her dolly... So you know of course I'm going to be doing that, not to mention, I still am scarf-less and hat-less... Who am I kidding? I'm going to be like that all winter. By the time I get all these other things done winter will be freaking over!

Anyway my incoherent rambling is over for the night, and I will be back tomorrow. TGIF right?!