Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Can I just say how freaking STOKED I am?!?!?!?

I actually won this week's entry for the "Don't You Hate It When" contest on
Shelle's Blog and I never win anything. Seriously. I have played the lottery, entered in raffles, called in to the radio, and I never win a freaking thing. Oh, I take that back. Last Halloween I went to a bazaar for a friend of mine's children's school. I won the cake walk. HAHA...

Thank you everyone for voting for me, I posted here and on my MySpace Page for everyone I knew to vote for me, as well as my Mom posted on her blog for everyone to vote for me as well. I can't lie, I also posted a link next to my status on my Yahoo messenger too. I'm shocked that I won. But you know, I am so excited because you guys voted for me and I actually won something! Granted my story was definately not "Mother of the Year" material, and I am mortified in a way I even told the public I did that, but sometimes you just gotta do what needs doing. Oh well! I guess that's the whole idea behind the contest.

Thanks so much everyone. You've made my week!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Congratulations!!!! You so deserved it, and totally had my vote! :o)