Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't You Hate It When?

After reading a million funny stories over on Shelle's Blog for her "Don't You Hate It When..." contest, I thought maybe I could add a funny story to the mix.

It's not long, it's not much, but, none the less, here we go.

Don't You HATE IT when....

Your 6 year old daughter gets off the bus, with all the kids in a riot, and her face red and you can tell she's mortified... Your lovely, ALWAYS polite daughter, ESPECIALLY when she's at school, because you know, they aren't always as good for you as they are for everyone else. Your beautiful, innocent child who you have raised to ALWAYS say the right thing, do the right thing, treat others with respect... Has informed someone on the bus, that he "Smells like ASS" .........

Yeah. Talk about mortification as she yells in embarrassment at you and then when you get home find out what's going on not only to be upset with the lack of judgement, but riddled with the inability to not stop smirking, having to put your hand over your mouth KNOWING that when you tell everyone they are going to laugh themselves to death....

That's my don't you hate it when!


Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

WOW...kids are such mimics right? LOL...

Tiffany said...

ROFL too funny!!!!!!!!!! by the way, it's good to see you posting.

Nan said...

Channon! I can't believe you told that story! LOL

I already voted! Before you posted this!! Well. it's a good thing Shelle has said she was giving a new voting option and giving a pull down to vote tomorrow!... or is that later today? Anyway, I'll be changing my vote! LOL